网络安全理学硕士 Online Degree Program Overview
在一个紧密相连的世界里, 迫切需要确保支持世界信息基础设施的系统的安全. 随着网络犯罪威胁的上升, the need for IT professionals with advanced knowledge and education is rapidly growing. 这就是你的用武之地.
网络安全理学硕士课程旨在培养学生在信息技术安全方面的领导能力. 网络安全硕士学位课程的重点是为您提供知识和技能,以应用与企业和个人层面安全信息系统和技术的开发和管理相关的原则和概念, 本地和全球.
The cybersecurity master’s is designed for IT professionals, executives, 以及认识到通过安全的信息技术系统为客户提供价值的必要性的学士学位毕业生. 这个学位为你提供理论知识, practical, 以及计算机信息系统及其相关技术的应用技能, 以及对信息系统技术发挥战略作用的商业和管理环境的广阔视角. 通过我们的加速课程,您可以在短短16个月内获得100%的网络安全硕士学位, 全年计划!
Choose from two Cybersecurity concentrations: Cyber Operations OR 网络安全政策.
Cyber Operations
- 运用先进的网络运营知识,在企业层面管理信息保障和威胁缓解
- Analyze, design, develop, 并监控网络技术和技术,以维护大型组织的安全性和运营连续性
- Analyze, develop, 并执行政策和程序,以确保在广泛的领域遵守和管理信息安全风险
- 参加当地的, regional, 旨在促进加强整个网络安全社区的政策和实践的国家活动和事件
The 网络安全理学硕士 is delivered on campus or online. Components of the on campus program may be delivered online in a hybrid model.
*Contact an admissions representative for more information regarding concentrations offered.
Graduates of an advanced CIS degree program have many career options, often finding career paths that lead them into IT management positions. 他们可能管理复杂的IT十大正规平台, design secure computer systems using the most current information technologies, and develop innovative hardware and software system architectures. They may develop test plans and ensure their correct application. 毕业生还可以从事网络架构师或管理员的工作,设计安全的计算机网络, 包括无线网络. 文科硕士毕业生.S. 在信息系统学位课程将能够在各种各样的业务岗位工作, industry, 以及政府场馆.
管理学硕士可能的职位名称.S. 网络安全专业毕业生包括:
- 网络安全分析师
- 渗透试验器
- Data Center or Network Security Administrator
- 信息系统安全工程师
- Risk Assessment and Vulnerability Analysis Manager
- 信息安全工程师
With significant, 在该领域有成功的工作经验, management opportunities could be available to the graduate.
该学位课程基于国家安全局和国土安全部指定为信息保障/网络防御学术卓越中心的十大正规平台要求. The curriculum builds on a foundation of communication and problem solving, theoretical and applied understanding of basic technical concepts, protocols, and software/hardware components of information systems technologies. 学生将加强对网络安全和研究的理解和实践知识,并特别强调与专业网络安全相关的技术和技巧.g.(收集、利用和回应). These technologies and techniques are critical to intelligence, 被授权执行这些专门行动的军事和执法机构. 一个顶点十大正规平台是必需的.
Upon successful completion of this degree program, graduates should be able to:
- 总结网络安全的基本原理,以及它们是如何相互关联的,如何被用来实现所需的解决方案和实施缓解策略.
- 分析有线和无线环境下结构化网络通信的安全性和运营影响.
- Select and securely implement large-scale distributed cloud systems.
- 评估可能的威胁类别, 与每个威胁相关的后果, and determine what actions can be taken to mitigate the threat.
- Relate the legal issues governing cyber operations and the use of related tools, techniques, 技术和数据.
- 评估各种证券对安全机制的实施和感知的用户行为和道德影响.
- 采用适合安全网络的技术,设计一个采用多层保护的防御性网络架构.
- Analyze security implications of data center virtualization and storage technologies.
- Evaluate various applied cryptography solutions and key management systems.
Cyber Operations
The Cyber Operations concentration focuses on the analysis, design, deployment, 监控维护组织安全态势所需的网络技术和技术. Graduates will have the skills to ensure operational continuity of large-scale organizations.
Upon successful completion of this degree program, the graduate should be able to:
- 运用先进的网络运营知识,在企业层面管理信息保障和威胁缓解.
The 网络安全政策 concentration prepares graduates for the analysis, development, 以及政策和程序的实施,这些政策和程序有助于组织系统的安全性,并以人为重点, processes, and technology. 本课程着重于在管理网络安全政策时必须考虑的法律和监管因素.
Upon successful completion of this degree program, graduates should be able to:
- 制定安全策略,以确保合规性,并管理跨广泛领域的信息安全风险.
网络安全理学硕士 Online Degree
Course ID | Course Name | Credits |
MSCS633 | MSCS633 Applied Cryptography and Data Protection | 3.00 |
MSCS635 | 高级网络 | 3.00 |
MSCS637 | MSCS637 Hardening Enterprise Cybersecurity Architecture: A Management Approach | 3.00 |
MSCS639 | MSCS639网络取证 | 3.00 |
MSCS641 | 信息系统风险管理 | 3.00 |
MSCS643 | MSCS643 Cybersecurity Governance and Compliance | 3.00 |
MSCS645 | MSCS645 Cybersecurity Strategies (Prevention and Protection) | 3.00 |
MSCS647 | 合规和审计 | 3.00 |
MSCS695 | MSCS695网络防御顶点 | 3.00 |
Visit the 十大正规平台 大学目录 for the most current program information.
At 十大正规平台 University you’ll find faculty and staff who are dedicated to your success. 我们不仅希望看到你们毕业,而且我们的首要目标是让你们为成功做好准备. Industry driven curriculum taught using a variety of methods, 从讲座到实践活动, will expose you to the information and skills you will need.
我们的加速课程可以让学生在短短2年的时间内获得学士学位.5年,每5周上两节课. 当你完成你的课程作业, our Career Services department can help you with resumes, cover letters, 面试准备. After graduation, 我们的校友会可以让你与你所在领域和全国各地的同龄人保持联系.
十大正规平台 University’s degree programs are developed by talking with local employers first, 专注于行业驱动的课程, skillsets, 和认证. 由16所大学组成的咨询委员会每年召开两次会议,讨论雇主的最新需求. 然后我们将这些整合到我们的程序中, 开发用于虚拟培训环境的内容和活动,并在实践中使用沉浸式模拟器, clinics, and externships.
十大正规平台 University offers discount vouchers for many industry-related certifications, so you’ll pay less here than you would anywhere else. 根据你的学位课程和专业,这些节省可能相当可观,可以达到数千美元. Not only that, but we also make it very easy! We provide students access to the “GetCertified” portal, 学生在哪里可以报名参加考试, 领取并接受考试券, and find preparatory information needed for the certifications.
Graduates of an advanced CIS degree program have many career options, often finding career paths that lead them into IT management positions. 他们可能管理复杂的IT十大正规平台, design secure computer systems using the most current information technologies, and develop innovative hardware and software system architectures. They may develop test plans and ensure their correct application. 毕业生还可以从事网络架构师或管理员的工作,设计安全的计算机网络, 包括无线网络. 文科硕士毕业生.S. 在信息系统学位课程将能够在各种各样的业务岗位工作, industry, 以及政府场馆.
一个学位可能会让你进门, 但是,任何额外的资格证书都可以帮助你从一群只有学位的求职者中脱颖而出. 在你的领域获得证书可以向潜在的雇主证明你是一个专注于你的手艺的专家. Certifications also keep you updated on the latest techniques and advancements in your field.