在一个紧密相连的世界里, 迫切需要确保支持世界信息基础设施的系统的安全. 随着网络犯罪威胁的上升, 对具有高级知识和教育背景的IT专业人员的需求正在迅速增长. 这就是你的用武之地.
The 网络安全理学硕士 program is designed to prepare students for leadership in information technology security. The cybersecurity master’s degree program is focused on providing you with the knowledge and skills to apply the principles and concepts related to the development and management of secure information systems and technology at the enterprise and individual levels, locally and globally.
网络安全硕士课程是为IT专业人士设计的, executives, and baccalaureate degree graduates who realize the necessity of delivering value to customers through secure information technology systems. 这个学位为你提供理论知识, practical, 以及计算机信息系统及其相关技术的应用技能, as well as a broad perspective of the business and management environments in which information system technologies play a strategic role. You could earn your master’s degree in cybersecurity in as little as 16 months through our accelerated, year-round schedule!
Cyber Operations
- Apply advanced knowledge of cyber operations to manage information assurance and threat mitigation at the enterprise level
- Analyze, design, develop, and monitor cyber technologies and techniques to maintain security and operation continuity of large-scale organizations
- Analyze, develop, and enforce policies and procedures to ensure compliance and manage risk in information security across a wide range of domains
- Participate in local, regional, national activities and events designed to promote policy and practice that strengthen the cybersecurity community as a whole
网络安全理学硕士课程在校园内或在线授课. 校园课程的组成部分可能以混合模式在线交付.
*Contact an admissions representative at your local campus for more information regarding concentrations offered.
高级CIS学位课程的毕业生有许多职业选择, 通常会找到能让他们进入IT管理职位的职业道路. 他们可能管理复杂的IT十大正规平台, 使用最新的信息技术设计安全的计算机系统, 并开发创新的硬件和软件系统架构. 他们可以制定测试计划并确保其正确应用. Graduates also may work as network architects or administrators who design secure computer networks, 包括无线网络. Graduates of the M.S. in Information Systems degree program will be able to work in a wide variety of positions in business, industry, 以及政府场馆.
管理学硕士可能的职位名称.S. 网络安全专业毕业生包括:
- 网络安全分析师
- Penetration Tester
- 数据中心或网络安全管理员
- 信息系统安全工程师
- 风险评估和脆弱性分析经理
- 信息安全工程师
With significant, 在该领域有成功的工作经验, 毕业生可以获得管理机会.
This degree program is based on the National Security Agency and the Department of Homeland Security program requirements for designation as a Center of Academic Excellence in Information Assurance/Cyber Defense. 课程建立在沟通和解决问题的基础上, 对基本技术概念的理论和应用理解, protocols, 以及信息系统技术的软件/硬件组成部分. Students enhance their understanding and practical knowledge of network security and research providing a particular emphasis on technologies and techniques related to specialized Cybersecurity (e.g.(收集、利用和回应). 这些技术和技巧对智力至关重要, 被授权执行这些专门行动的军事和执法机构. 一个顶点十大正规平台是必需的.
- Summarize cybersecurity fundamentals and how they are interrelated and employed to achieve desired solutions and to effect mitigation strategies.
- Analyze security and operational effects on structured network communications in wired and wireless environments.
- 选择并安全实施大规模分布式云系统.
- 评估可能的威胁类别, 与每个威胁相关的后果, 并确定可以采取哪些行动来减轻威胁.
- 将管理网络操作的法律问题和相关工具的使用联系起来, techniques, technology and data.
- Evaluate user behavioral and ethical impacts of various securities on the implementation of and perception of security mechanisms.
- Devise a defensive network architecture employing multiple layers of protection using technology appropriate for secure network.
- 分析数据中心虚拟化和存储技术对安全的影响.
- 评估各种应用密码解决方案和密钥管理系统.
Cyber Operations
网络作战的重点是分析, design, deployment, and monitoring of cyber technologies and techniques necessary to maintain the security posture of an organization. 毕业生将具备确保大型组织运作连续性的技能.
- Apply advanced knowledge of cyber operations to manage information assurance and threat mitigation at the enterprise level.
网络安全政策专业为毕业生的分析做准备, development, and enforcement of policies and procedures that contribute to the security of an organization’s system with the focus on people, processes, and technology. The course work focuses on the legal and regulatory factors that must be considered in administering cybersecurity policy.
- Develop security policies to ensure compliance and manage risk in information security across a wide range of domains.
The specialization courses build upon the core courses and should be taken after the majority of core courses have been completed. 学生必须选择四门专业课程(12学分). 专业包括网络运营和网络安全政策.
在十大正规网堵平台,你会发现教职员工致力于你的成功. 我们不仅希望看到你们毕业,而且我们的首要目标是让你们为成功做好准备. 采用多种方法的行业驱动课程, 从讲座到实践活动, 能让你接触到你需要的信息和技能吗.
Our accelerated schedule can allow students to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in as little as 2.5年,每5周上两节课. 当你完成你的课程作业, 我们的就业服务部门可以帮你准备简历, cover letters, 面试准备. After graduation, our alumni association can keep you connected with peers within your field and across the country.
十大正规网堵平台的学位课程首先是通过与当地雇主交谈而开发的, 专注于行业驱动的课程, skillsets, and certifications. Twice a year, an advisory board comprising 16 campuses meets to discuss the latest employer needs. 然后我们将这些整合到我们的程序中, developing content and activities used in virtual training environments and in practice with hands-on simulators, clinics, and externships.
Most universities and colleges teach students from a book and then leave them to learn skills “on the job.” At 十大正规平台 University, 我们通过实践研讨会和实验室来教育和培训学生, 在学习领域的实习, 以及认证十大正规平台. 在他们第一天上班的时候, 十大正规平台 University students already know what is expected of them and are confident in their capabilities because it is work they have done before through our hands-on learning opportunities.
十大正规网堵平台提供许多行业相关认证的折扣券, 所以这里的支付比其他任何地方都少. These savings can be quite significant and into the thousands of dollars depending on your degree program and specialty. 不仅如此,我们还让它变得非常简单! 我们为学生提供“获得认证”门户网站, 学生在哪里可以报名参加考试, 领取并接受考试券, 并查找认证所需的准备信息.
在IT领域,认证证明你有专业的行业知识. 在某些情况下,这可能是获得初始就业所需的全部条件. 拥有一个学位可以表明你对雇主和你的领域的承诺.
一个学位可能会让你进门, but any additional qualifications may help you stand out in a crowd from other candidates with only a degree. Getting certifications in your field can prove to potential employers that you are an expert who is dedicated to your craft. 认证还可以让您了解您所在领域的最新技术和进展.